Municipal heat planning

Municipal heat planning is a key component of the energy transition to implement the decarbonization of heat supply in Germany. This transformation requires individual solutions for communities and cities, because every community is unique and needs a location-specific approach. Our experts understand the importance of a strategic approach to making heat supply safe, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient.

Our heat planning is sustainable

  • We have years of experience in supplying energy for large quarters.
  • We have been planning and designing with renewable energies for years.
  • We not only think ecologically, but also economically.
  • We recognize potential because a community is constantly changing.
  • We have extensive experience in real estate project development.
  • This enables us to assess urban development potential.

Four steps towards the heat transition

Inventory analysis

  • Analysis of the building and settlement structure
  • Analysis of energy infrastructure
  • Survey of heat demand
  • Determination of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Suitability test for supply via a heat network or hydrogen network

Potential analysis

  • Reducing heat demand in buildings
  • Increasing efficiency in industrial and commercial processes
  • Use of unavoidable waste heat
  • Use of heat from renewable energies
  • Potential for central heat storage
  • Use of electricity from renewable energies (optional)

Setting up the target scenario

  • Development of scenarios and development paths up to 2045
  • Development of the relevant target scenario
  • Classification into prospective heat supply areas
  • Presentation of heat supply types and savings potential

Heat transition strategy

  • Development of an action plan
  • Identification of short and medium-term focus areas
  • Development of a sustainability strategy including organizational structures and responsibilities
  • Creation of a controlling concept

Your roadmap to sustainable heat

From March 2025:
New heating networks must achieve a share of 65% renewable energy.

By June 30, 2026:
Large cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants must submit their heating plans.

By June 30, 2028:
All 11,000 municipalities should have drawn up a heating plan.

By 2030:
Existing heating networks must achieve a share of 30% renewable energy.

By 2040:
Existing heating networks should achieve a share of 80% renewable energy.

Target 2045:
Achieving climate neutrality as part of the desired transformation.

Expansion of renewable energies in heating networks

till 2030

0 100%

till 2040

0 100%

till 2045

0 100%

Attractive funding opportunities from the Federal Republic

Take advantage of the opportunity to receive maximum cost coverage for your municipal heat planning! The Federal Republic of Germany provides extensive funding through the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and the national climate protection initiative. This offers you the unique opportunity to implement your heat supply projects without financial burden.

Information on the Federal Government’s funding programmes

The funding from the Federal Ministry and the national climate protection initiative for the creation of a municipal heat plan has a funding rate of up to 80%. The federal funding for efficient heat networks (BEW) also supports the construction of new heat networks with high proportions of renewable energies and the decarbonization of existing networks.

Public relation

Throughout the process, citizens and other stakeholders are actively involved in the development and implementation of heat plans for their community or city. Our aim is to take into account a wide range of opinions, concerns and suggestions to ensure that planning is transparent, citizen-oriented and community-based. This is achieved through public meetings, workshops, online consultations and other forms of participation. The best ideas emerge together.

We take care of your municipal heat planning

We would be happy to support you with your projects relating to municipal heat planning. Our energy experts are available with relevant specialist knowledge and solutions for questions relating to the heat supply in your municipality.

Call us or write to us!

+49 (0) 341 – 33 97 82 21 12

Your personal contact in the ecoenergy Ltd. team:

Picture of Mathias Frick

Mathias Frick

Technology and Energy Design

Picture of Evelyne Egger

Evelyne Egger

Senior Key Account Manager Energy